Let's just get this out there. We all love boobs. Men, women, everyone! They're a natural wonder of the world, but sometimes things go a little haywire, so, just when you think you're going to snuggle up to some plumptious beauties, you realize that you're missing half your freakin' face!
Yep, sometimes cosmetic surgery just doesn't go to plan and in Gregory Lamberson’s (Slime City, The Jake Helman Files) Killer Rack, some boobs are simply man-eating and we have your first look at the film via the official trailer inside.
Killer Rack stars Jessica Zwolak, Debbie Rochon, Paul McGinnis, Michael Thurber, Lloyd Kaufman, Sam Qualiana, Brittani Hare, Robert Bozek. Michael O’Hear, Alexander S. McBryde, Sephera Giron, and Borooke Lewis as the Killer Rack.
Synopsis: Synopsis: Betty Downer thinks her life will improve when she gets breast implants from Dr. Cate Thulu. Her new assets attract attention, but Betty soon discovers her new boobs are man eating, Lovecraftian monsters hell bent on world domination – and only she can stop them.
The team over at Killer Rack currently have an indiegogo page up and running, but there is only five days left. So, if you guys would like to get a handful of some awesome perks, hit up the link above and see how you can help.
For more information and to follow the progress of the film, hit up their official Facebook page and give these guys a like.
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